As a goodbye to Mischief, we are making an update to the
art section, in it you'll find the final three panels of actual
comic I drew (which was done on a computer drawing tablet
for the very first time) which turned out great, and the last
three panels ever storyboarded (also done with the tablet).
I'd like to apologize to everyone who liked Mischief and will
miss it, I'm sorry it didn't work out.
Mischief started as an experiment about a year ago. I'd been
working on a comic book style project for over seven years,
and it was coming together finally, and I was looking at my
options for publishing it, and the internet was the favoured
of the available mediums. But I had certain uncertainties
that needed to be dealt with, so it was proposed that I start
with some new less ambitious comic strip style project, with
comedy in mind instead of my more developed action oriented
plots. Knowing he was the best choice for comedy, I arranged
a production partnership with Andrew, and Mischief was quickly
created from scratch.
I call it an experiment because I was only doing it to gauge
audience approval of my art, and to give me practice with
the comic storytelling techniques that i needed. Andrew loved
working on Mischief with me, so when I started to become dissatisfied
with the work, I kept it to myself and kept on plugging away
at it. The comic I'd spent over seven years on, and loved
working on, and that dominated my everyday thoughts, stagnated
and was left to the sidelines for Mischief, which I never
really related to.
The character designs were good I feel, the set up was decent,
but it wasn't the kind of thing I actually wanted to be doing.
I didn't care about the characters as people, I never worried
about them and they did nothing for me as an artist. I ended
up putting off working on it, it had become a chore, which
was a first. I'd never shunned any of my other projects, but
working on Mischief had become oppressive.
The six month delay in finishing the halloween special was
a big reflection of this, and I'm surprised that we made as
much of a come back as we did. In the end I just had to level
with Andrew, and thank God he understood. I'm proud of what
we accomplished here, and working with Andrew was a real treat,
but I didn't enjoy working on the actual artwork all that
much, and it robbed me completely of everything I enjoyed
drawing instead. So, we've put Mischief to bed, and will be
beginning a new project in the future that we will both enjoy
equally, yet won't take all that much time away from my other
If you want to see examples of my non-mischief art, just
head down to Sevensided
and check out the Newportsburg section, it's not that much
so far but it'll grow over time, and I'm presently developing
a new personal webpage to showcase everything I'm working
on, including Andrew's and my next project together, so I'll
post it's address here and on Sevensided when it's done.
Stop Looking at Me!

I can't think of anything to say. I miss this already.